
Learn and master speaking skills

Good speaker should not only has a wide range of knowledge, penetrating insights, good moral accomplishment and the ability to skillfully use the language, and must have a high logic accomplishment. So-called language accurate, essentially do concept clear, judgment, reasoning, logical. Graceful speech language always contain the impeccable logic. So, the speaker master logic knowledge, help to accurately express ideas, enhance the expressive force of language. Speech to use humor can impress the audience to make audience his heart was merry, make the whole atmosphere was active, can strengthen the attention of the audience to the speech content, deepen the audience a deep understanding of public speaking, sometimes also can turn, gains an enemy. Rhetorical question is to ask questions, but don't ask someone to answer, but to inspire people to think. Speaking in this way, can immediately drew the attention of the audience to the speaker, concentrate on to listen to a lecture. Mr Wen Multimedia Speaker "last lecture" the beginning there was a rhetorical question: "what Mr. Li made a crime, should according to this?" There isn't and ask questions here, but there is no doubt and ask, next is the argument Mr Li there is no sin, is guilty of the kuomintang reactionaries. A laparoscope, usually connected to a parallel method is more than three structural forms of the same or similar sentences in many ways, layer upon layer thorough expression method. This approach is to purify thoughts, strengthening language potential, enhance the rhythm bookshelf speaker melody beauty effect of language. Liang qichao's a laparoscope, usually connected to a "young China said" at the end of seven alliteration: "wisdom is the wisdom, young rich or national wealth, independence, the independence, freedom is the freedom, young progress is progress, young than European countries than in Europe, young males in the earth is the male in the earth." This group of alliteration, a focus on a layer, caused by touching the forthright language, incisively and vividly express the speaker's keen and full of passion, with "shock ravishing", "blood boiling god pin" drive.


Speech as a kind of relatively high intensity activity will to its essence is a kind of action

On the content of the speech full of passion. Famous speaker Albert bookshelf speaker drew said: "in the speech audience's trust, is the attitude of the speech rather than lecture content." When the speaker in the speech of passion play a key role to the success of a speech, especially in the speech "storm" by shock the audience in the lecture method of passion. It first, because the speaker's passion for speech will have a giant power on his own behavior, can make the speaker completely into the speech; On the other hand is because the speaker walked on stage and become the focus of his attention, in the audience's emotions do shake hands at the moment, due to the emotional infection function, so the speaker's passion is a key link to drive the whole atmosphere. Mr Wen Multimedia Speaker "last lecture" is attractive for people, it is because his burning emotions, fiery passion resort to speech. About the Martin Luther King, jr. "I have a dream" of the famous speech, people's mind also is first speaker that feeling hot and passionate face.This is because the speech as a kind of relatively high intensity activities, its essence is a kind of will to action. Will good qualities include: self-consciousness, self-control, decisiveness, and perseverance. Can say the four qualities are necessary to complete a successful speech. The purpose of the speaker to have the profound understanding, this is a sign of conscientiousness; In order to achieve a goal actively overcome various internal and external difficulties, such as interference resisting unrelated stimulus, regulating their emotions to the needs of the speech, witty dealing with the emergencies in the process of the speech, this is the concentration of self-control, decisiveness, and perseverance. The speaker to have higher emotional intelligence - to the audience and their own emotional state can timely grasp and properly to the effective regulation and the speech smoothly in the direction of their expectations. A man of high emotional intelligence is a man of strong will.


Bluetooth is a low-cost large capacity of short distance wireless communication standard

Bluetooth is a low-cost large capacity of short distance wireless communication standard. Bluetooth notebook computer, notebook computer with bluetooth wireless communication functions. There's a legend story under the name of bluetooth. The 10th century, northern Europe, hegemony between feudal lords as well as the Danish king stood up, under his unremitting efforts, the bloody war was brought to an end, all parties to sit down to the negotiating table. Through communication, vassals of animosity, become friends. By the Danish king likes to eat blueberries, so that the teeth have been dyed blue, said bluetooth king, therefore, Multimedia Speaker has become synonymous with communication. One thousand years later, when the new wireless communication requirements, people also use the bluetooth to give a name to it. In 1995, Ericsson first puts forward the concepts of bluetooth. The bluetooth specification by microwave band, transmission rate of 1 m bytes per second, maximum transmission distance of 10 meters, by increasing the transmitted power can reach 100 m. Bluetooth technology is a global open, on a global scale has good compatibility, can through the low cost of the world's intangible bluetooth networks into an organic whole. Bluetooth technology not only used in computers, like mobile phone, digital camera, video camera, printer, fax machine, household appliances, such as many electronic devices can use bookshelf speaker, wireless connectivity, without having to drag a tail (cable). With the popularity of bluetooth technology family decorate no longer for electrical wiring; When using electrical appliances, do not have to have a headache for a lot of remote control, a mobile phone or a car key can all done; Go out in the outside, the work arrangements of the company and home family picture can get anytime and anywhere; Clock, capture to expend without queuing, from near to expend, need not the door can easily finish... The wide application of bluetooth technology will make our life very easily. Global bluetooth specification, the mobile phone, PDA, wireless headset, notebook computers, cars, medical equipment, computer peripherals, and many other devices, as long as have a bluetooth adapter, can be easily connected bluetooth devices, transmission of data or voice communication, widely popular, good compatibility.


Speech refers to the speaker at a particular time and space environment

Speech refers to the speaker at a particular time and space environment, the spoken language as the main bookshelf computer speaker to the public is a particular problem or event published his views. In is essentially a campaign speech, the ultimate goal is to persuade, education, to inspire and motivate a large audience. Speech is the process of the speaker to "play" and "speak" to make the audience to produce consistent with bookshelf speaker expectations of the change process. There is no doubt that the speaker's quality is the determinant of success. The speaker's ideology and moral character and cultural conservation, etc. Have a great impact on the effect of the speech. So, a successful speech to what the speaker's psychological quality requirements? This article from the psychology of "cognition, emotion, meaning" the three major psychological processes to analyze the speaker should have psychological quality structure, believe that the speaker will improve their own quality structure. Rich imagination. In writing speeches and the preparation of the rehearsal lecturer in thinking and memory activities, if can the situation of speech (such as the reaction of the audience, the atmosphere of the court, etc.) to imagine, and adjust accordingly (e.g., design different opening), not only help improve the quality of speech, but also can make the speech more close to the atmosphere. Many successful speakers in the preparation of the speech is good at scene of the actual speech bold imagination, there are some in the process of the speaker in the speech of "savoir faire" is not actually used his quick wits but the result of the prior assumptions to a situation.


When the speaker sound in a room

When the speaker sound in a room, the bookshelf speaker can hear directly from the speaker's voice, this is the direct sound field (indirectfield), but can also be heard from the wall, ceiling and floor reflected sound, this is called reflection sound field (reverberantfield). Listeners hear the direct sound field, reflect the voice of the sound field, the more hours, the sound is better, because the voice of the sound field can be controlled directly, but reflect the voice of the sound field is unable to control, can only put the direct a breeder to sound and bookshelf computer speaker, originally the clarity of sound is reduced, so sit nearer the speakers closer to the audience will feel a little better sound effect, and the audience is likely to be in the rear they heard the reflection of sound more sound than the direct sound field, sound effect will be more bad and lower resolution. Sometimes a band performance on the stage, because they are not listening to the speaker, and on both sides of the main sound box is positioned near the location of the mouth, bands and singers have heard no sound from the direct sound field put, they don't stand position is called direct sound field, sound effect will not good, of course, this will also affect the band's performance level, make the audience hear is not very good performance.


Miniaturization, digitalization, specialization, film and television is the inevitable trend of the development of home electronics

Miniaturization, digitalization, specialization, film and television is the inevitable trend of the development of home electronics. The stereo miniaturization. Miniature desktop music center has a long history, more than 10 years ago has been advanced bookshelf speaker combined sound. But as a result of listening speakers, stereo gramophone, recording booth is not very good solution, so has been stay on the lower class. In order to create a small sound world, not only from the amplifier, control parts, left and right speakers, have to from the aspects of the tuner, CD player and recording booth together. Digital audio. Digital technology is a new technology, so the digital audio development in solving the problem of distortion of simulation of the acoustic noise. Sound using the digital technology, digital signal from the sampling frequency to the quantitative Wooden Computer Speaker of records, has a clear resolution, no color dithering, get the image is very clear. And you can swap and the upper machine, the analog playback as equipment cannot match. Digital recording may take the time, name, address, entry, using tiny keyboard to complete the cataloging work, change the track number, coupled with the function of remote control, allows you to automatically search need to track, easy to use. The film and television equipment integration. Digital stereo as electroacoustic technology, film and television technology, the development of computer technology, they are in the family can form one integrated mass of multimedia video audio system. Such a system, can hear various needs in the add a variety of input signal input and function transformation, through computer processing can make the see all kinds of images and hear voices. Ultra-thin tablet speakers, the appearance of the tablet audio family combination (home theater, background music) to develop in the direction of ultra-thin possible from 1998 to 1998 flat-panel sound also has experienced several stages of development, introduced three company in 1998 flat-panel sound, sound to hualong emperor (DS), micrograms (TVC) inheritance and development, to chengdu in 2008 days (HVS) developed its own tablet "n" pronunciation technology called "fifth generation flat-panel pronunciation technology", flat-panel audio technology in China's development is more and more mature, thin wall paintings ultra-thin maturing of the utilization of sound in the family! Embedded audio, the emergence of embedded audio from the chengdu fu rhyme (FREENOTE) in 1998, has experienced more than ten years of development, the embedded sound in "family central network audio system", "embedded home theater" has played a large role; Chengdu tianxiang (HVS) combined with flat speakers and embedded sound expertise, developed a new generation of home audio system "family health sound system", to the sound development of family type test step!


Speakers tend to absorb a certain amount of psychological burden

Speakers tend to absorb a certain amount of psychological burden, of course, sometimes it is easy to appear the bookshelf speaker imbalance phenomenon. This requires the speaker to strengthen the psychological training at ordinary times, have good psychological quality, both warm and decisive, and calm, and still can talk. Generally speaking, the psychological qualities of Wooden Computer Speaker speakers should have the  following: 1, full of self-confidence is an important psychological support, the speaker and has important effect on the result of the speaker. It can be the speaker's determination, the speaker's spirit, give full play to the speaker's creativity. 2, the success of the strong desire for success is to promote the important drive of the speech, it is in the speech behavior plays a huge boost. It can trigger psychological motivation of the speaker, the speaker is highly concerned about the result of the speech, which aroused the concern of the speaker to speech and presentation skills, prompting continuously improve the speech, to get better grades.